Friday, June 26, 2009

O.K. So Sue Me!

YEAH! I Know! I am a lame. I said Twitter is the Devil and not even an hour ago I started Twittering. Yes I have turned to the darkside like our dear friend Anakin Skywalker. I am no better than anyone else using Twitter now. So go ahead mock me if you will, Remember I only said YET.......

Thursday, June 11, 2009

To Twitter Or Not To Twitter~That Is The Question

O.K. so twittering is all the rage right now. That sounded really lame "all the rage". Oh well it is super popular right now. It's like teenage sex in the ninety's-It's popular and everyone is doing it. Actors, musicians, T.V. personalities, everyone is twittering. I guess I just don't get it. What makes you sooooo important that you feel a need to let everyone know exactly what you're doing at all times in 140 characters or less. Who really cares. I don't want people to know what I'm doing at all times and I don't really care what your doing either. Americas general society is obsessed with celebutards. They have to know what actor is doing what actress and what they are having for lunch-are they going to impregnate each other-What are you buying right now I HAVE TO KNOW!!!!!!! This is not something that should be important to anybody but every ones life is revolving around this twitter thing right now. I mean really this twitter thing should have gone down the crapper with my last bowel movement. But people are eating this shit up right now like a free for all buffet. Proving how narcissistic our society really is. Just wait until 2020 when it's the United States of Brangellina, and having a T.V is required by law. Mandatory viewing of TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, and Fox News will be a daily routine we will all have to drone through. Well you can thank the gateway drug that started it all TWITTER. So my dilemma remains-Do I become a part of this mongoloid parade or do I stay true to my roots and continue to remain one of the few that do not Twitter? Twat? I don't know but for now you can count me out for I will not succumb to Twitter!(yet)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tonight Show Transfer

Sooooooo.........I've been watching Jay Leno on the tonight show since I was about thirteen or fourteen which would be '94 or '95. I was stying up later right away found I liked Jay way more than I liked David Letterman. I was pulled in by Jays skits like Iron Jay, Ask Jay Anything, and of course Jaywalking. I think Jaywalking was the first thing I saw. Then I started watching and liked his monolouges etc. etc. Well I've benn watching ever since(not religously or anything but definantly whenever I was up that late or could watch it). Then through watching Jay I found Conan. Now mind you I was young and loved The Simpsons but I was young and didn't pay attention to the credits to know Conan worked on The Simpsons . Had I known that then I would have watched it even more. But I loved Conans monolouges and skits way more than Leno. And that's saying something cause I really liked Leno. Well Shift to years later and I'm a way bigger fan of Conan than Jay but still try to catch both shows when I can. Then I hear Jays leaving and that Conans taking over and I'm STOKED!!! The last Jay show was cool. The whole last week of Leno was pretty good, but the last night with Conan was cool. Then this week Conan took over dutys at the tonight show and I'm diggin' on it. I am really happy they decided to bring Andy Richter along as the new anouncer. I've been watching and he is really funny. But let's give credit where credits due I like Andy and all but he doesn't do the whole "Cooooonaaaaaan OOOOO' Briiiiiieeeeeeenn" as good as the last anouncer but kudos to him for trying. But I'm still totally stoked on Andy Richter being on the show again. I also wanted to note that if you were watching on wednesday 6/3/09 Kareem Abdul Jabbar made a little cameo and I've never seen Conan look so small before. Actually I've never seen Conan look small. The guy towers over most of his guests so it was so surprising to see him stand side by side next to Kareem and Kareem Towered over him= Funny! So I am excited to see whats in store for Conan on the tonight show. Will the Masterbating Bear return? How about that annoying(yet funny) little guy the interruper make an apperance? They already brought back the year 2000 bit but now it's the year 3000 so I'm sure there will be a lot in store with that skit. I can't wait! UmmBuddyBoyyyyyy!!!