Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fun Fucking Fat Chicks

So I guess I kinda wondered(as I'm sure we all have at least one time or another) how a heavier woman and a skinny guy couple have sex. Well I just found out. Ha Ha, I know what you're all thinking but not in that way. My wife explained to me the routine in mismatched couple fuckin'. We work at hotels and are privy to some rather unsettling information. We'll a neighbor of one of our guests at one of the hotels complained about their neighbor(the mismatched couple) always having sex and being real loud while doing so. So my wife's first response was "I didn't think they know....have sex!?!" And the neighbor was like "Yeah I've done it before ya just bend 'em over and let shit(the fat) fall forward to make room for the lovin'!" With a surprised look on her face my wife told the neighbor she would ask them to keep it down. I laughed so hard I had to immediately write this blog. And no offense to any overweight people out there just kind of a funny story.

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